Dans la nouveaux monde.
ADAM GUTMAN possède plusieurs identités et plusieurs talents. Au Canada, en tant que musicien et compositeur, il a travaillé sous le...
In the new world.
ADAM GUTMAN is a man of many identities and many talents. In Canada as a musical writer and composer, he worked under the pseudonym of...
Old world
Adam Gutman, George Adams, Benjamin Rajzele, George, and Daddy were all born on March 20, 1918……in a small city in Poland called Radom....
In between worlds
I seem to remember the boat trip to Canada. No luxury cruiser this. There was no ballroom or shuffleboard or dining with the captain. ...
The world of Quebec 1950-1969
We were given a cottage to live in during the "season." It was several miles from the hotel dad played at. During the weekends or high...